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Release date: 2000 l 2001Genre:Developer: Westwood StudiosPublishing: Electronic ArtsType of publication: RePackInterface vocabulary: RUS ENGSpeech Vocabulary: RUS ENGCrack: Not requiredSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:OS: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XPCPU: Intel Pentium II 233RFeel: 512 MBVideo card: compatible with Direct3M, minimum 2MM of memoryHard drive space: 4 GBDESCRIPTION:The sport takes location in the parallel planet made by Albert Einstein in 1971-1972, continuing the story of the AIlies from the unique Red Sound the alarm. As in its forerunner, the rival sides in the game are the Soviet Union and the Allies, in inclusion, some units and constructions are identical to the first of the very first Red Alert, and some - have got changed (so, the large tank had been converted into a container 'Apocalypse'). Likened with the previous collection, the video game improved graphics and multiplayer. While the initial game in the Red Notification series is usually logically linked with the history of the Order Conquer: Tiberian Collection (for illustration, the head of Jerk Kane in hér advises Stalin), Réd Signal 2 does not contain any sources to the Tiberium canon and more resembles the real 'cool war 'between the far eastern and traditional western military-political blocs, which grew into the Third World War.
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Red Alert 2 Crack Plus Keygen Free Download Here! One of the enormous franchises of PC gaming, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Download has been a firm favorite since the mid-Nineties thanks to its exceptional amalgamation of genuine-occasion stratagem, Cold War aesthetics and camp out wittiness. Download Games Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Full iSO Game Downloaded Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Full Crack + Patch - I have also included Final Alert - the official map editor from Westwood, as well as ten map-packs I have collected from various internet sources. Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Expansion: Yuri's Revenge PC Windows Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge torrent link mirror and direct links.
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